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  • Organic Papua New Guinea Sigri AA

Organic Papua New Guinea Sigri AA

Article number: 10358
€17,50 *

* Unit price: €35,00 / Kilogram
* Incl. tax Excl. Shipping costs

A fine coffee, defined over a flowery, vinous, full-bodied sweetness. He is fully - rounded with flavors, abundance, fine spice and a chocolaty aftertaste.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

In stock (Delivery timeframe:1-3 Tage)

Organic coffee Papua New Guinea

In the 20s of the last century coffee seeds of the famous "Blue Mountain" were from Jamaica, smuggled to Papua New Guinea and has since been planted there.
The island Papua New Guinea is located directly below the equator, its climate is therefore particularly true for the cultivation of high-quality coffee.
Nevertheless, Papua New Guinea holds only a very small part of the world market sales. We started here with the coffee growing late 19th century. Coffee connoisseurs believe that because of the fertile soil, especially thrives coffee in Papua New Guinea.
The Plantation Sigri is located in a mounting height of 1300 to 1800m above sea level .. It shall apply under coffee specialists as the "tip plantation" and is one of the most famous in the world. Their main growing area lies on the Mount Hagen and the region Poponetta.

Always Keep the coffee beans on the absence of oxygen! The best in our bag. This you can still keep an extra in a plastic box.

Ground coffee You can freeze very well and remove it in portions.

Many more information you can find in our FAQ and in our coffee-blog .

Taste profile:

  • strongly spicy, fruity aromas


  • hand filters
  • coffee machine
  • Carlsbad pot, french press (Bodum)
  • Bodum French Press
  • Fully automatic
  • Brewing temperature: 88 ° -92 °



  • washed 100% Arabica, Grade AA, organic coffee Papua New Guinea


The Kaffeemanufaktur Schnibbe GmbH is a paradise for coffee lovers and gourmets. We invite you cordially on an exciting journey through the delicious world of fresh coffee.
On our website you can put yourself in detail about our product line and learn all about the processing of coffee and cocoa from our roastery.

Exquisite espresso beans, African coffee, as the Ethiopian wild coffee Bonga, house coffee blends and more, await you in our shop. Coffee lovers is already running at the mention together the mouth water. Dive into the fascinating world of high-quality, freshly roasted coffees and rummage through our offer.

We offer you best artisan roasted, unmixed Arabica coffee, long time gently roasted by the drum roasting. We also offer a range of acute espresso coffee beans for you to try at our Espressomobil.

We carry typical Italian espresso beans with nutty-chocolaty note, organic coffee beans from the Galapagos Islands or from Ethiopia. On request, we grind your coffee for your preparation.

We are happy you personally available - for suggestions, praise or criticism we are always grateful.

Visit us. In our shop in Bad Lauterberg and convince you on site by the quality of our coffee Here you can find out of coffee beans and other products, such as muscovado, a cane specifically for espresso or roasted cocoa beans. Our Premium Organic Coffee Papua New Guinea You can also get at Confiserie Weibler in Cremlingen / Braunschweig.

Bio / Kaffee / Kaffeemaschine

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

L. Christina |

Kaffeemaschine\nsäurearm ist wichtig bei den meisten von mir bestellten Kaffees\nAlle Produkte von Ihne gefallen mir

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

B. Hella |

Mit Kaffeevollautomat super Kaffee

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

D. Bettina |

Wir verwenden diesen etwas kräftigeren Kaffee als Espresso, zubereitet in der Siebträgermaschine.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

B. Christel |

Die Lieferung erfolgt superschnell und der wunderbare Kaffee ist sorgfältig und ansprechend verpackt!Hervorragende Qualität und hervorragender Service!!!\n

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

a. heinz |

Nur zu empfehlen. Qualität ist super

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

M. Antje |

Leckerer Kaffee

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

H. Stephan |

Qualitativ sehr guter Kaffee, sehr guter Geschmack. Verwendung im Kaffeevollautomaten

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

W. Maurice |

Seeehr gut.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

L. Anja |

Aus unserem Vollautomaten richtig klasse!

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

H. Guido |

Toller Kaffee mit vollmundigem Aroma. Wir verwenden ihn im Automaten und er wird von jedem in der Familie gerne getrunken.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

H. Michael |

Als Bohne für den Vollautomaten und zum Handfiltern

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

S. Ingo |

Erfrischend fruchtige Noten!

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

K. Torsten |

Sehr guter geschmacklicher Kaffee.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

G. Jens |


The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

K. Brigitte |

Sehr gute Qualität, toller Geschmack

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

K. Sascha |

-Ganze Bohne\n-Gute Qualität \n-Und an Freunde die guten Kaffee zu schätzen wissen

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

L. Anja |

Wirklich leckere Besonderheit!!!

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

E. Sarah |

Vollautomat mit Mahlgrad 3

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

K. Michael |

Mein Lieblingskaffee, mild und schokoladig, mit vollem Aroma und gutem Duft.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

W. Johannes |

Lässt sich hervorragend auch in einer Siebträgermaschine als Lungo verwenden

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

L. Christina |

Kaffeemaschine\nEbenfalls säurearmer, muss noch probiert werden\n

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

L. Torsten |

Super Qualität, für Vollautomat bestens geeignet.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

N. Elisabeth |


The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

W. Klaus-Werner |

schmeckt mir sehr gut.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

K. Michael |

Als Bohne im Vollautomaten. Leckeres volles Aroma

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

L. Torsten |

Sehr gute Qualität, ganze Bohnen für Vollautomat bestens geeignet

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

D. Bettina |

Etwas kräftigerer Kaffee, der auch mal als Espresso in der Siebträgermaschine zubereitet wird (wir mahlen die Bohnen direkt vor der Zubereitung).

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

D. Klaus |

Ist stets in meinem Vorrat!

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

H. Susanne |

frisch mahlen,sorgfältig zubereiten,wir benutzen keine Kaffeemaschine

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

S. Lorenz |

Verwende diese Bohnen im Filter-Handaufguss...Mahlgrad eher gröber, Geschmack super!

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

G. Annika |

Schmeckt fantastisch!

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

L. Torsten |

Super Qualität, auch für Kaffeevollautomat geeignet.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

H. Gabriele |

\nIch verwende den Kaffee für die Kaffeemaschine und verwende Bohnen.Der Geschmack ist ausgezeichnet.\nmein Favorit\nnormalen Kaffee vertrage ich nicht mehr\nDer Umstieg hat sich gelohnt.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

D. Bettina |

Etwas kräftigerer Kaffee. Wir bereiten ihn hauptsächlich in der French Press zu. Wir haben ihn aber auch schon mal als Espresso in der Siebträgermaschine zubereitet.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

L. Torsten |

Top Qualität

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

S. Ingo |

Überrascht durch seine fruchtigen Geschmacksnoten, ist aber auch recht kräftig.

The rating of this product is 5 out of 5

H. Susanne |

Ein wunderbarer Kaffee.Er kann nicht besser sein.Der Geschmack, das Aroma.Sehr gut.

5 stars based on 37 reviews
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